• By: Admin
  • April 30, 2023, 6:39 p.m.
2 min read

When God Spoke to you: What did He say?

As believers, we know that God speaks to us in various ways. Whether it's through a conference, a preaching, reading the Bible, or even in a dream, God always has something to say to us. However, the question is, do we remember what God said to us?


In Matthew 11:8-9, Jesus asks the people who went to meet John the Baptist, "What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear fine clothes are in kings' palaces." Jesus wanted the people to reflect on their intentions and motives for seeking John's ministry.


Similarly, when God speaks to us, we must pay attention to what He is saying. We must not be like the people in Matthew 11 who were hardened and did not perceive what God was saying to them.


When starting our ministry, God must have said something to us. It's essential to remember what God said to us because it serves as a baseline for us when serving others. Remembering what God said to us will enable us to overcome any challenges we may face in our journey of salvation.


We must develop a habit of paying attention to what God tells us. God has never stopped speaking to us, and He will surely speak to us again. When He does, let us listen attentively and obey His voice. In due course of our walk with Christ, we will encounter problems and challenges. But remembering what God said to us will enable us to overcome.


In conclusion, what did God say to you? Each of us has heard God's voice at some point in our lives. Let us not forget what He said to us. We must always pay attention to what God tells us because it serves as a guide for us when serving others. Remember, God has never stopped speaking to us, and He will speak to us again. Let us always listen attentively and obey His voice.

