• By: Charles Bunjo
  • Jan. 8, 2023, 1:51 p.m.
3 min read

What do we need to do it effectively

On this planet earth that we are on, everything has got its own time either good or bad, either joyful moments or trying moments  Ecclessiastes 3:1-8

God designed everything to be beautiful in its own time, DO IT NOW is a seasonal theme that can help a christian do exploits in their lives. There are many things that God has designed for us to do, some are chronologically ordered tasks that God wants you to do in prescribed time.

It is only us that lose track on what to we have to do in a specific period of time and God is faithful to give us countless chances for us to accomplish those tasks. So to accomplish what is required of you in stipulated timeframe, it calls for Total Committment otherwise many are distractors.

Ecclesiates 9:10 - Not all tasks you are to do are straight forward, some require revelation or finding so that you do not waste time on doing tasks that are not designed for you(whatever your hand FINDS ....) - that means you have to seek or search for it, and when you find it; you do it with all your might, the Bible is so clear on what to do with all your might that is what you have sought and found worthy inline of God's will for your life.

"DO IT NOW" what exactly does it mean! The best answer is the guidance of the Holy Spirit, John 14:24 "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you .... "

What we need be effective in DOING IT NOW


1. Stay focused

Always concentrate on what you are doing, if there are distractions, make sure you take control of them. Whether dealing with spiritual or physical task, we are implored to stay focused.


2. Do not let the devil scare you

Many times if one is to a great decision or decisions that bring tangible results, the devil is always onlook out with his scaring tactics. Mathew25:14 - 30, All the three were given their "DO IT NOW" but one of them was engulfed by Satan's scaring spirit and he became afraid of excuting his task and the consquences were vile.


3. Avoid  Pride

Most Christians when God blesses them in their "DO IT NOW", they start boasting in their own which is the typical tactic of the enemy leading to failure. 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God....."


4. Do not fix excuses, When you find your DO IT NOW task, you have gone in partnership with God, he is liable for everything you do. Luke 14:15 -23, When the expecteds do not perform, God will use the least expected.

Genesis 18:6 - Abraham was revealed the secret of DO IT NOW and because he was faithful in excuting the tasks, he ended up with what God had promised him. Knowing what you are supposed to do and you do not do, that is a sin (James 4:17).

5. Do as you are led by the Holy Spirit not people's opinions.

When God gives you the grace you discover your task, do it as you are guided by the Holy Spirit but not people's opinion. You have to become a black sheep in the family when you are to accomplish your DO IT NOW, - "The black sheep is sometimes the only one telling the truth"


