• By: Mrs. Mukisa Rose
  • Aug. 26, 2023, 2:35 a.m.
4 min read

We are Peculiar People

God created everyone, and His love extends to those who reciprocate it. However, for us who have embraced Christ, we stand apart as exceptional beings in this world. Our acceptance of Christ elevates us beyond the ordinary, bestowing upon us the mantle of peculiarity. This identity isn't one of arrogance, but of recognizing our exceptional calling – a calling to exemplify the extraordinary in a world that often settles for the mundane.


In the sacred haven of our church, a truth echoes through the souls of believers: we are not ordinary; we are peculiar people. But this truth doesn't whisper timidly; it resonates with a resounding call, beckoning us to embark on an extraordinary journey of faith. Imagine the sensation of immersing yourself in the profound verses of 1 Peter 2:9-10, as they unveil the stunning reality that we are not just any people – we are PECULIAR "chosen people" and a "royal priesthood." This revelation isn't a mere designation; it's an invitation that transcends the trials of life, inviting us to radiate the brilliance of our unique connection with the Divine.


Defining Our Peculiarity

To fathom our peculiar identity, let's dive into its essence. Peculiarity, within our faith, signifies distinctiveness—an extraordinary distinctiveness bestowed by God Himself. It's a tapestry woven with purpose, setting us apart from the ordinary. When Peter referred to us as "chosen people" and "royal priesthood," he beckoned us to rise above the mundane, to live in a way that defies worldly norms. In our modern Christian world, this means embodying extraordinary light in a world veiled in darkness.


Triumph Over Trials with Unyielding Identity

But how do we uphold our peculiar identity when trials assail us? Do these tempests extinguish our extraordinary essence? Not by a long shot. Trials, though formidable, cannot tarnish our uniqueness. As peculiar people, we stand strong, rooted in the understanding that trials are universal—Ecclesiastes 9:11 underscores that time and chance touch all lives. Yet, our peculiarity remains resolute, guided by the Holy Spirit. This divine compass enables us to discern divine opportunities even amid challenges. Trials morph into platforms where the extraordinary power of our faith takes center stage.


Trials: Illuminating Divine Glory Amidst Desolation

Envision the poignant scene of John 11:4 when Lazarus grappled with illness and death. Jesus allowed this not as abandonment, but as a stage to reveal God's glory. Similarly, our trials aren't arbitrary burdens; they're platforms for divine manifestations. Our peculiar identity propels us to expect extraordinary interventions. We don't settle for conventional solutions; we anticipate God's extraordinary workings in every circumstance. Through our peculiar lens, we perceive that God's help transcends human limitations.


Triumph Through Trials: Radiance of Our Peculiar Faith

Trials don't define us; they refine us. The crucible of trials molds resilience and character, as eloquently conveyed in James 1:2-4. As peculiar Christians, we confront trials with unyielding vigor, fortified by our unique identity. This identity isn't a mere label; it's an impregnable fortress. Amid adversity, our peculiarity fosters hope and joy. We recognize that we're not ordinary souls tossed by life's tempests; we are peculiar beings anchored in Christ, relying on the extraordinary to navigate challenges.


Resisting the Devil: Defending Our Peculiar Identity

Reflect on the exhortation in James 4:7 to resist the devil, standing firm in our faith. It's an extraordinary battle—a battle for our identity, a battle to preserve our distinctiveness even amidst opposition. This resistance is no ordinary feat; it's fueled by the extraordinary authority bestowed upon us as peculiar people.


Embracing Peculiarity Amidst Sadness: The Testimony of Job

Consider the profound words of Job, who, amidst profound suffering, declared, "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" (Job 2:10). This sentiment is truly peculiar. Amidst sorrow, Job's faith remained unbroken—a testament to the resilience of our extraordinary identity. In the embrace of sorrow, our peculiar faith remains unwavering.


Unceasing Prayer: Sustaining Peculiar Faith Amid Trials

Remember the poignant words of Luke 18:1, urging us to never lose heart, to persist in prayer without faltering. This command is peculiar to believers. In the face of trials, our faith is fortified by unceasing prayer. We don't merely endure; we prevail through the extraordinary power of prayer.

Within John 16:24, Jesus extends an invitation to approach with boldness in His name, promising fulfillment of joy. This unceasing practice, entwined with our peculiar identity, forges a distinct connection to divine blessings that quench the soul's thirst uniquely. As peculiar believers, our prayers reflect a deeper assurance, transforming requests into conduits of extraordinary joy.



Peculiar Faith: Radiating Amid Life's Storms

As the echoes of the sermon reverberate within us, we embrace the truth: we are peculiar, set apart by divine grace. When trials arise, our peculiarity doesn't diminish; it flourishes. Trials aren't stumbling blocks; they're platforms for divine glory. In the midst of challenges, our faith thrives, trust in God deepens, and our peculiar identity radiates brilliance. Confronting trials with audacity, we draw from the extraordinary, knowing the God who crafted us as peculiar is our unwavering source of strength. This revelation empowers us to face trials not with timidity, but with the boldness of a people uniquely favored, cherished, and blessed beyond measure.

