• By: Pr. Joshua Zake
  • March 26, 2023, 1:58 p.m.
3 min read

Training oneself to listen to God

As Christians, it is essential that we train ourselves to listen to God's voice. John 10:27 emphasizes the importance of recognizing and responding to God's voice as His disciples. Psalm 46:10 highlights the need for stillness and attentiveness in hearing from God. And John 14:26 reminds us of the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and teaching us to listen to God's voice. Together, these verses underscore the importance of intentional training and practice, reliance on the Holy Spirit, and creating space for stillness and quietness in our lives in order to discern and respond to God's voice.


The story of Samuel in 1Samuel 3:1-10 provides us with some great insights on how we can train ourselves to listen to God's voice. Here are some key lessons we can learn:


  1. Position ourselves to hear from God: In the story, Samuel was sleeping in the tabernacle, which was a place where God's presence dwelt. Similarly, we need to position ourselves to hear from God by spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, and seeking out opportunities to worship and be in God's presence.

  2. Be attentive and receptive: Samuel was attentive and receptive when he heard God's voice calling him. Similarly, we need to be intentional about listening for God's voice, and be open and receptive to what He might be saying to us.

  3. Learn to discern God's voice: As we mentioned earlier, discernment is an important part of listening to God's voice. We need to learn how to distinguish God's voice from our own thoughts, the voice of others, and even the voice of the enemy. This comes with practice and experience, as we learn to test what we hear against the Bible and seek wise counsel from other believers.

  4. Obey what God tells us: When we do hear from God, we need to be willing to obey what He tells us. Samuel responded to God's voice by saying, "Speak, for your servant is listening." This attitude of humility and obedience is essential if we want to hear from God and follow His will.

  5. Having spiritual mentors to guide you: Having someone to guide us on spiritual matters can be incredibly helpful, especially when we are first learning how to listen to God's voice. They can help us distinguish between God's voice and our own thoughts or the voice of the enemy, and provide wisdom and insight as we seek to follow God's will.


It is an important element to consider as well! In the story of Samuel, we see that he had a mentor in the form of Eli, who was able to guide him in discerning God's voice and responding with obedience. This underscores the importance of having mentors, spiritual leaders, or trusted friends who can help us grow in our relationship with God and provide guidance and accountability.


Having someone to guide us on spiritual matters can be incredibly helpful, especially when we are first learning how to listen to God's voice. They can help us distinguish between God's voice and our own thoughts or the voice of the enemy, and provide wisdom and insight as we seek to follow God's will.


It's important to note that not everyone is equipped to be a mentor or spiritual guide, so it's important to seek out those who are mature in their faith and have a proven track record of following God's will. This may include pastors, spiritual directors, or trusted friends who have a deep relationship with God and can offer sound advice and guidance.


Ultimately, having people to guide us on spiritual matters can help us grow in our ability to listen to God's voice and respond with obedience. As we seek out mentors and spiritual guides, we can learn from their example and wisdom, and be better equipped to discern God's will for our lives.

