• By: Mrs. Joy Zake
  • Aug. 13, 2023, 7:53 p.m.
4 min read

The Spirit of Delay



In the pursuit of our spiritual journey, we often find ourselves confronted with the formidable adversary known as delay. This elusive Spirit of Delay has the potential to hinder our progress and stifle our growth, leaving us trapped in a cycle of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. But fear not, for within the pages of scripture, we uncover valuable insights on how to break free from this menacing force. By delving into the Word of God, we will unravel the causes of delay and discover the keys to unleashing the power of God's promises on our journey of salvation.


1. Delays of Our Own Making

One of the most insidious forms of delay arises from the choices we make that lead us astray from God's path. As human beings, we possess the ability to stumble and falter, veering away from the divine purpose intended for us. Romans 7:19 speaks to this internal struggle: "For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing." It is vital to recognize that our own decisions, actions, and behaviors can introduce unnecessary delays in our spiritual journey. Yet, the same scripture also offers hope, reminding us that God's spirit can bind us, setting us free from the chains of our mistakes (Romans 8:2).

2. Battling the Devil's Laws

The devil is a cunning adversary, seeking to impose his malevolent laws upon us. He aims to anchor us in despair, limiting our potential and robbing us of the abundant life that God desires for us. In some families, for instance, the devil whispers that success is unattainable, chaining generations to a cycle of poverty and failure. This sabotage is evident in John 10:10: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy." However, through the law of God's Spirit, we can break free from these oppressive chains. God's promises are greater than any devilish decree, as we are reminded in Romans 8:37: "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."


3. Lessons from the Children of Israel

The history of the children of Israel serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of delay. As God led them toward the Promised Land, they allowed fear, doubt, and disobedience to prolong their journey. In Deuteronomy 1:6-7, God expresses his disappointment: "You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey." Similarly, in our lives, there are moments when we linger too long in our comfort zones or cling to old habits, delaying our progress. We must heed the lesson and move forward, trusting in God's unwavering guidance.


4. Breaking the Chains of Generational Delays

The legacy of delay is not limited to ancient times; it persists through generations, often manifesting in ways we may not immediately recognize. In 2 Corinthians 3:14, we are cautioned that the same veil that hindered our foreparents can blind us as well. These generational delays can take various forms—unresolved conflicts, unhealthy mindsets, or unbroken cycles of sin. However, the power of God's Word and his promises enables us to break free from these chains, bringing healing and restoration to our lives and families.


5. The Miraculous Power of Christ's Intervention

Jesus, the ultimate deliverer, revealed his power by breaking the chains of delay in miraculous ways. In John 5:8, we encounter the story of a man who had been invalid for 38 years. Jesus defied conventional wisdom and healed him, illustrating that God's timing is not bound by human limitations. The same power that resurrected Lazarus and calmed the storm is available to us today. When we place our trust in Christ, he intervenes, shattering the fetters of delay and ushering us into a season of divine acceleration.



The Spirit of Delay seeks to hinder our progress on the journey of salvation, but through the power of God's Word and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we have the ability to overcome. By acknowledging our own role in delays, battling against the devil's oppressive laws, learning from the mistakes of our foreparents, breaking the chains of generational delays, and embracing the miraculous intervention of Christ, we can step into the fullness of God's promises for our lives. Let us march forward with unwavering faith, determined to live lives free from delay, embracing the abundant life that God intends for us.

