• By: Mrs. Gitta Edith Kuteesa
  • April 16, 2023, 12:46 p.m.
6 min read

Ministerial Journey: Sojourners

As Christians, we are all called to be ministers of the Gospel in some way. Whether we serve as pastors, missionaries, lay leaders, or simply as ambassadors of Christ in our daily lives, we each have a unique role to play in sharing the message of salvation with the world.


But what does it mean to embark on a ministerial journey? What are the key aspects that we should keep in mind as we seek to fulfill our calling as ministers of the Gospel? Let's look at some lessons we can learn from two passages in the Bible: Matthew 26 and Acts 9.


Hearing a voice

In Matthew 26, we see that Jesus knew that his time on earth was short, and he was intentional about using the time he had to fulfill his mission. Like Jesus, we must be attuned to the voice of God and be open to the guidance and direction that comes from Him. Whether it's through prayer, reading the Bible, or the wise counsel of others, we must constantly seek God's voice in our lives and be willing to follow wherever He leads us.


Having a message

Paul's ministry was built on a clear message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Like Paul, we must have a clear message that we are sharing with others, one that is rooted in the Bible and that speaks to the needs of the people we are ministering to. Whether we are preaching from the pulpit, sharing our faith with a coworker, or simply living out our faith in our daily lives, we must be passionate about sharing the message of the Gospel with others.



The journey of a minister has a time frame, and it is important to make the most of the time we have to share our message and make an impact. Like Jesus, we must be intentional about using our time wisely and making the most of the opportunities we have to share our message with others.


A place

In both Matthew 26 and Acts 9, we see that ministry takes place in specific contexts. Whether we are ministering in our local community or traveling to other parts of the world, we must be aware of the context in which we are ministering, and adapt our message and approach to fit the specific needs and challenges of that place.


Understanding your team

Understanding your team is crucial in any ministry, whether you are working with volunteers, staff members, or fellow believers. Jesus himself modeled this for us in His ministry, as He worked closely with His disciples and sought to understand their strengths and weaknesses.  

One example of this is when Jesus went to pray in the garden of Gethsemane, and He asked Peter, James, and John to watch with Him. He told them to keep watch and pray, but when He returned from praying, He found them sleeping. Instead of getting angry or frustrated, Jesus understood that they were tired and weak, and He encouraged them to keep watch and pray.


Similarly, Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him, yet He still loved and served him up until the end. Jesus understood that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and He sought to love and serve each person, regardless of their flaws.  

In our own ministries, we must seek to understand the strengths and weaknesses of those we are working with, so that we can effectively accomplish the goals of our ministry. We must seek to build strong relationships with our team members, and work together to advance God's kingdom.

Like Jesus, we must be patient and understanding with our team members, recognizing that everyone has their own struggles and weaknesses. We must seek to encourage and support one another, and work together to fulfill the mission that God has given us.


We must seek to build strong relationships with our team members, and understand their strengths and weaknesses, so that we can work together effectively to advance God's kingdom. Let us follow the example of Jesus, who loved and served His disciples, even in their weaknesses, and seek to do the same with those we are serving alongside.


Focus on ministry responsibilities

Staying focused on our responsibilities is essential in any ministry, as it helps us to stay on track and fulfill the mission that God has given us.  

Jesus modeled this for us in His ministry, as He was always focused on His mission to bring salvation to the world. He did not let the opinions of others or the challenges He faced distract Him from His purpose. Even when faced with the temptation to abandon His mission and take an easier path, Jesus remained focused on His responsibility to obey God and fulfill His mission.


 Similarly, in our own ministries, we must stay focused on our responsibilities and avoid distractions that can lead us off course. We must prioritize the mission that God has given us, and not be swayed by the opinions of others or the challenges we face.

This means that we must be intentional about setting goals and priorities for our ministry, and regularly evaluate our progress to ensure that we are staying on track. We must also be disciplined in our use of time and resources, and avoid getting sidetracked by things that are not essential to our mission.  


Therefore, staying focused on our responsibilities is crucial in ministry. Like Jesus, we must prioritize our mission and not be distracted by the opinions of others or the challenges we face. Let us be intentional about setting goals and priorities for our ministry, and discipline ourselves to stay on track and fulfill the mission that God has given us.


Stick to the will of the sender

Finally, we must always stay true to the will of God, who has sent us on our respective journeys.

In Matthew 26:39, Jesus demonstrated the ultimate example of staying true to the will of the sender, by submitting Himself completely to God's will, even in the face of great suffering.  

As Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, He asked God if it was possible for the cup of suffering to be taken away from Him. However, He ultimately submitted Himself to God's will, saying "not as I will, but as you will."  


This example shows us the importance of seeking God's will in our lives and ministries, and being willing to submit ourselves completely to His guidance and direction. Just as Jesus was obedient to God's will, even in the face of great suffering, we too must be willing to follow His leading, even when it may be difficult or challenging.


In our own ministries, we must regularly seek God's will through prayer and study of His word, and be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We must also be willing to submit ourselves completely to His guidance and direction, even when it may mean making sacrifices or stepping outside of our comfort zones.


Therefore, staying true to the will of the sender is crucial in ministry. Let us follow the example of Jesus, who submitted Himself completely to God's will, even in the face of great suffering. May we be faithful servants of Christ, seeking His guidance and direction in all that we do, and bringing glory to God through our obedience and faithfulness.


Let us be inspired by the examples of Jesus and Paul, who modeled for us what it means to live a life of ministry. Let us be intentional about seeking God's voice, having a clear message, making the most of our time, ministering in the appropriate context, working well with others, staying focused on our responsibilities, and staying true to the will of God.


As we do these things, we can trust that God will use us to make a difference in the lives of others. Whether we see immediate results or not, we can be confident that our efforts are not in vain, and that God is using us to further His kingdom here on earth.


Let us also remember that our ministerial journey is not meant to be a solitary one. We are called to be in community with other believers, supporting and encouraging one another as we fulfill our respective callings. Let us seek out opportunities to connect with other believers, whether through small groups, mentorship relationships, or simply reaching out to others in our church or community.


In conclusion, let us be intentional about our ministerial journey, seeking to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and Paul. Let us be faithful stewards of the message of the Gospel, sharing it with love and compassion to those around us. And let us trust in the power of God to work through us, as we seek to advance His kingdom and bring glory to His name.

