• By: Mrs. Gitta Edith Kuteesa
  • Jan. 15, 2023, 11:23 a.m.
2 min read

Getting FIRED up to DO IT NOW

What is that exact thing you have to do now? This is the question that gets in the mind of everyone who is commanded to do something. It is like the one who is commadning you to do something is instructing you to get a task or something tangible to visualize. Let us define DO IT NOW; 

DO - Taking an action so as to produce results

IT - That tangible thing or an idea to be achieved

NOW - This can be a time to start on the task to be achieved, starting now is aimed to weed out procrastination.

The accronym FIRED standing for F - Faithful, I - Integrity, R - Religious, E - Excellence, D - Determination supports a christian on doing the task God has purposed for them in the right time.

To do it now, a christian has to be ready to take actions so as to become successful in the given task timeframe, therefore, getting FIRED up at a given task can aid in achieving it.


1. Faithful

God created everyone with a task to be achieved but it takes faith to achieve what God designed us for. Nevertheless, without taking an action on what we have believed God for, then our faith is dead (James 2:14-22). Faith is meant to visualize things that our hands have started on, short of this, then your do it now will not be fruitful at the end. Forexample a Christian believing God for a car as a means to help them carryout the task of envagelism but they have not taken a step to get a driving license or believing God to go to nations and share the good news but they have no idea of getting passport.


2. Integrity

This calls for honesty and strong moral life principles in doing the task at hand whether there is someone at supervising you or not knowing that there is God who watches everything you do and will reward you (Colosians 3:22 - 24), do it with perfection as if you are doing it for Christ. Forexample if you are employed and contracted in an organisation and they expect you to work for 8 hours in the day, how do you use those hours to benefit the organisation, if you spend some of those hours doing other things that are not of benefit to the organisation, then you can not be considered being honest both to God and the organisation. Integrity in what you are doing calls for pleasing God in what we are doing not people, some situations compromise our honesty to God, nevertheless, we have to do the right thing so that even if we are not rewarded by people, God approves what we have done.


