• By: Mugoya Dihfahsih????????
  • July 11, 2021, 5:30 p.m.
2 min read

Dr. Serumaga succeeds late Bishop Stephen Senfuma as leader of innerman Ministries

Dr Joseph Serumaga has been announced as the new head of United Christian Centre Church (Innerman Ministries).


Pastor Andrew Semakula, representing the ministry elders, revealed Sunday that Dr Serumaga, will take on the leadership role and continue from where the late Bishop Senfuma Stephen left.


Dr Serumaga joined United Christian Centre Church at a tender age, in the early 90s. A report from the ministry says the new leader served consistently, along side his predecessor.  


Serumaga has been the leader of men’s ministry at United Christian Centre Church. A medical doctor by profession, Joseph Serumaga is said to work at RII International Hospital.


“This ministry started in a very humble way, and no body ever knew we would get where we are today. We do not know if our boss, the late Bishop Senfuma Stephen knew we would come this far. But we [the elders], did not know,” Pastor Andrew Semakula said as he unveiled the new leader.


“As United Christian Centre Church, we have come from afar off as one,” Pastor Semakula remarked, rooting for unity, and encouraging the virtual audience to warmly receive Dr Serumaga.


According to Pastor Semakula, the late Bishop Stephen Senfuma used each opportunity he had to mentor and train various members of the Church in ministry and leadership.


“One of the things Bishop Steven Senfuma taught us is how to minister. In the early days, he never received any opportunities to minister at any other place. No one would send him an invitation. But, a time came and doors started opening up. During such times, he would call one of us to go with him. Unknown to us at that time, just sitting there with him was a learning moment,” Pastor Semakula said.


Bishop Stephen Senfuma succumbed to COVID-19 related complications on 26 June at Nakasero Hospital in the central business district Kampala currently hit by the second wave of the virus. For many Christians, he was undoubtedly one of the most reputable, humble and dedicated Christian figures, of all time, in the country. 


His influence extended around the country, but at the heart of his ministry was his passion for the Gospel and his commitment to spreading this Good News around the world, through media among other platforms. 

