• By: Pr. Joshua Zake
  • June 7, 2023, 10:27 p.m.
5 min read

Be Strong and Courageous: Unleashing the Power of Faith in Times of Adversity

Summary of the Article
This article explores the empowering truths found in the story of Joshua, with a focus on being strong and courageous in times of adversity. It begins by drawing inspiration from the lion, whose boldness and resounding roar captivate the animal kingdom, reminding us that true power lies in embracing our fears and unleashing our courage.


The article delves into Deuteronomy 31:6 and Joshua 1:1-9, highlighting God's promise to never leave or forsake us and His call for us to be strong and courageous. It emphasizes the importance of embracing the roots of faith, confronting fear and doubt, seeking the encouragement of God and the faith community, and embracing God's promises.


The article concludes by reminding readers of the need to overcome giants through unwavering faith, knowing that with God on our side, we can navigate life's challenges and experience the abundant life He has prepared for us.


In the captivating world of the animal kingdom, it is not the strongest beast that reigns supreme. Surprisingly, it is the bold and courageous lion whose resounding roar reverberates across the savannah, commanding attention from all who hear it, even from a distance of five miles.

The lion's awe-inspiring presence and fearless nature instill a primal fear in others, surpassing mere physical strength. Likewise, in our own lives, true power lies not solely in physical might, but in the audacity to embrace our fears, unleash our courage, and let our voices resound with unwavering conviction. Let us learn from the majestic lion, and may our own roar leave an indelible mark on the world around us.


In the relentless pursuit of our salvation, we inevitably encounter trials and tribulations that test our resolve. Like Joshua, who was tasked with leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, we face our own metaphorical Jordan rivers and daunting giants.

However, within the depths of these challenges lie profound lessons that can transform our faith and fortify our spirits. In this article, we delve into the story of Joshua and explore the empowering truths that can equip us to be strong and courageous in the face of adversity.


Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

In Deuteronomy 31:6, Moses encourages Joshua and the Israelites as they prepare to enter the Promised Land. He tells them to be strong and courageous, assuring them that God will never leave or forsake them. This passage reminds us that our strength and courage should come from God's presence and faithfulness.

We can trust in Him and face our challenges with confidence, knowing that He goes before us. Just as Joshua led the Israelites, we are called to navigate our own journey of faith. With the assurance of God's constant presence, we can be strong and courageous in times of adversity.


Embracing the Roots of Faith: Hope, Confidence, and Boldness
At the core of our Christian journey lies an unwavering faith built upon the solid foundation of hope, confidence, and boldness. Just as Joshua and Caleb fearlessly surveyed the land of Canaan, we must cultivate a resilient faith that enables us to see beyond the obstacles, firmly believing in the promises of God. Our hope and confidence in His unfailing love propel us forward with boldness, ready to conquer whatever challenges lie ahead.


Confronting Fear and Doubt: Shattering the Chains of Unbelief
Fear and doubt have a paralyzing effect on our faith, breeding unbelief and hindering our progress. To break free from these shackles, we must recognize that fear often masquerades as false evidence appearing real. By immersing ourselves in God's truth and confronting our fears head-on, we can dismantle the stronghold of doubt and forge a path of unwavering faith.

Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."


In Joshua 1:1-9, God personally commissions Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land following the death of Moses. He instructs Joshua to be strong and courageous, reminding him that He will be with him wherever he goes. God encourages Joshua to meditate on His law day and night, obeying it faithfully.

This passage emphasizes the importance of relying on God's guidance and staying committed to His Word. It assures us that God's presence and promises empower us to overcome challenges and fulfill our calling. With unwavering trust in God's faithfulness, we can boldly step into the destiny He has prepared for us.


The Unyielding Encouragement of God and Community
In the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua, God Himself exhorted Joshua to be strong and courageous. The same divine assurance resonates with us today. Our Heavenly Father accompanies us on our journey, guiding our steps and providing unwavering support. Moreover, within the fellowship of believers, we discover a wellspring of encouragement and solidarity that strengthens our resolve in times of struggle.


Embracing God's Promises: Stepping into the Abundance of His Plan
Like Joshua, we are called to embrace the promises of God and step into the abundance of His plan for our lives. The Jordan River symbolizes the threshold between our current circumstances and the fulfillment of God's purpose. By trusting in His faithfulness, we can courageously cross that threshold, confronting the giants that stand in our way, and inheriting the blessings God has prepared for us.


Overcoming Giants: Defying the Odds through Faith
Giants loom large in our lives—formidable challenges, daunting trials, and relentless opposition. Yet, armed with unwavering faith, we can stand like Joshua and Caleb, defying the odds and conquering our giants. Our faith provides us with the strength, resilience, and tenacity needed to navigate the tumultuous battles of life, knowing that the God who is for us is greater than any giant that may oppose us.


As we embark on our journey of salvation, we must remember the timeless words spoken to Joshua, "Be strong and courageous." These words of encouragement from both Moses and God Himself echo through the corridors of time, resonating 
with us today.

By embracing the roots of faith, confronting our fears and doubts, leaning on the unyielding encouragement of God and our faith community, embracing His promises, and boldly facing our giants, we unlock the power of faith within us. Let us be strong and courageous, for we are not alone on this journey. With faith as our guiding light, we shall overcome and experience the abundant life that God has prepared for us.

